
Friday, November 26, 2021

Shimons Story buddy reading

 One day there was a little boy called Ray he went to his Grandmas house. Unfortunately  the wolf came and tried to kill Grandma and Ray. But Ray brought a sword and killed the wolf. Grandma and Ray was safe then Ray said i want to go to the playground and play. Fortunately Shimon was there and they played together.  

Made by Shimon

Camp Movie

Kia ora my name is Devon and welcome back to another blog post. This week we had to make camp movies i know mine is a bit late but its done what we had to do was take photos from a folder and make them into a movie. The hardest part for me was finding photos. My favourite part was swimming 

Check it out😎

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

The Ghostly Shadow

The Ghostly Shadow 

 One foggy dark morning four boys called Devon, Blake, Oli and Codi were walking in a dark scary haunted park. They snuck out of their house without their parents knowing, so if they got in trouble they had nobody to call but Devon was cocky and assured them nothing would happen. Ten minutes later walking down the track all they could see were broken down houses between the gaps of the fog. Suddenly they heard something Oli and Devon wanted to explore but Codi and Blake didn't. They all decided to go in. Devon and Oli were the first to step in. They both gasped as they saw a family living in it. They stood frozen still they looked like an ordinary family but why would they be living there? The mum of the family said take a seat so Devon and Oli did but Blake and Codi ran into the fog and the mum offered them a cup of tea. When they got it they saw something weird in it, they wanted to refuse to have some but the mum wasn't going to let that happen. Devon and Oli tried to run until the dad and son came out with weapons they were blocked from both sides. They both screamed. Blake and Codi heard them so they came running back hitting the family in the head and running off into the foggy park.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Tuatara 10 facts

Hello this create task is about 10 facts about Tuataras check it out!


Friday, October 1, 2021

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Evaluate the actions of your characters.


Poetry and Anthology term 3 writing.

 Hello this is my Poetry and Anthology writing. I have done a Comparison poem, Wish poem, Sound Poem, Haiku, Tounge Twisters, Imagery, Mood Poem, Acrostic, Countdown, Cinquains, Diamante, Limreck. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

How Maui discovered fire anylase task

 Hi guys today i did an analyse task sheet.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Devons i wish poem

 Hi readers this is my i wish poem i hope you enjoy.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 6, 2021

D Tongue Twisters

During lockdown i did a tounge twsister.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Standard Form with no regrouping.

 Walt: use standard form to solve addidtion problems with no regrouping.

Friday, August 13, 2021

About Andrew Knewstubb

 Hi guys this create task is my 1st its about Andrew Knewstubb.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Maths Number Pattern

 This is my number pattern try it out in the comments.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Math blog post

 Hi readers last week we did 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021



Boring Poster!

Hello for this week we have been doing plays i did boring. Walt: reconigse how texts are constructed for diffrent purposes audieences and situations. For our create tasks we had to tell what our play was about.     and who was our character we were playing. And also design a costume that they would wear.


Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Anne Frank reading.

This week we have been doing the same famous people. For this week i chose to pick Anne Frank because i thought she sounded interesting and wanted to know more about her history.

Walt: Locate  and summarise important information from a range of related texts.

The first create task you had to describe your main text complementary and Challenge text.

For the s   

Monday, July 5, 2021

Private or Personal Information

Today in cybersmart we were looking ar private and personal information. Knowing the diffrence between the two will help you keep safe online. I found this activity alright because it was hard to put the speack marks near the picture because it was bunched up but it was still fun and is a good way to learn to keep safe online. I rate this activity a 4/5 Is there any other information to keep safe online?

Friday, July 2, 2021

10 Sentences Writing

For wrting we were working on compound sentecnces my buddy was Kean but he was only there for 1 day.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Inquiry Create tasks

For this week we have been doing natural disasters and i chose Tsunamis. Because i wanted to learn more about them.

Tsunamis These awe-inspiring waves are typically caused by large, undersea earthquakes at tectonic plate boundaries. When the ocean floor at a plate boundary rises or falls suddenly, it displaces the water above it and launches the rolling waves that will become a tsunami. A tsunami is a very long-wavelength wave of water that is generated by sudden displacement of the seafloor or disruption of any body of standing water. Tsunamis are sometimes called "seismic sea waves", although they can be generated by mechanisms other than earthquakes. Tsunamis occur most often in the Pacific Ocean and Indonesia because the Pacific Rim bordering the Ocean has a large number of active submarine earthquake zones. However, tsunamis have also occurred recently in the Mediterranean Sea region and are expected in the Caribbean Sea as well.

Reading Martin Luther King

This week we have been loking at famous people such as Emila Earhat, Albert Einsten,Martin Luther King,Anne Frank,Nelson Mandela,Walt Disney,Graham Alexander Bell,Thomas Edison

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Earthquake Writing

Earthquakes An Earthquake is when two of the tectonics covering the surface of the earth bump and pass each other. There are 20 tectonic plates covering them just like jigsaw puzzles. A Convergent earthquake is when the tectonic plates move over one another this is how hills and mountains are formed. The second type is a divergent earthquake,and this is how oceans and rivers are formed. The third type of earthquake is called a transform and it is a slip. During an earthquake liquefaction occurs. Liquefaction is when soil is loosen up during an earthquake When the tectonic plates move it and creates a space between them and water comes up when the water meets Solid dirt it turns into mud. In canterbury we had more liquefaction than would have been expected because of combinations of factors one canterbury is built predominantly on sand and two is because we are surrounded by rivers and oceans and three is because our water table is really high and we have a high annual rainfall. A seismograph tells you how big an earthquake is. The bigger the number the more destruction the earthquake causes a magnitude 4 earthquake could shake your house but some people might not even notice. A magnitude 9 earthquake flattens whole cities and causes a large amount of damage. In conclusion an earthquake is when tectonic plates move against each other wich causes the ground to shake and roll. There are three different types of a convergent earthquake a divergent earthquake and a transform. During an earthquake liquefaction sometimes occurs. A seismograph measures earthquakes on a scale 1 to 9.

Matariki Reading Devon😜😜😜😜😜😜😁😁😁😁😁.

For this week we have been doing Matariki. Thw first create task i had to watch 4 videos and get infomation and put it in these boxes.
The second one was that you have to make an animation on matariki. My 3rd was a ven dia gram

Thursday, June 17, 2021

A Bad Case Of Stripes. Create Task 1 and 2!!😁😜😜

Walt:Making Connections between ourselves other texts and the world.

Hi guys i had to chose between 8 book i chose a book called a bad case of stripes because i thought it looked interesting.

Check out my blog posts.

The first blog post is you have to make 5 connections between your chosen text and yourself,other texts and the world. 
The second create task is that you have to identify similarities and differences between the main character of your chosen text and the main character from one other picture book.

Devon Numicon Maths

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Goldi Locks Create Task 1


Title- Goldi Locks Characters Pa Bear, Ma Bear, Little Baa Baa Bear Once upon a time three bears went for a walk in the forrest. There was Pa Bear And Ma Bear who loved him dearly and adopted him the bear family came upon an house in the forest we've done it again said Pa bear we’ve walked Slap-Bang into the Goldi Locks story. Pa Bear sat on the first chair he said this chair is to big he said ma bear sat in the second chair she said this chair is to small baa baa bear didnt sit in the chair he sat on the couch and watched TV. Same old house said ma bear same old table same old porridge yum yum. Walt: Synthesize ideas and information in a narritive text.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Rumbleskiltskin Reading Create Tasks 1 and 2🙋

Hi wiewers This week i have done Rumbleskiltskin

Walt: Synthesize ideas and information in a narrative text. 

Create task 1 Title Rumplestiltskin Characters Maddie,Father,Farmers,King, Rumbleskiltskin,Husband,Baby, Complemantry and challange So a girls dad went to the king castle and said my daughter can make gold out of straw so the king called the girl. The girl was crying because she did not know how to make gold out of straw and a goblin.It is talking about a spiders A spider's body is made of two soft parts 8 long legs come out of the front part each legs has six jointed for bending the legs are covered with tiny hairs spider live in almost every part of the world. Challange Text: They live in hot wet and cold places. They live wherever there is enough food to eat. Spiders moslty eat inscects. Spiders bite there food with two fangs. Venom comes out the fangs. The spider sucks up the moshy meal.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Hungry Wave Reading create tasks T

Walt Use Prior Knowlodge When making text-to-text connections Title- Hungry Wave Characters- Ana, Mafui’e, Sina, Mika, Mamma, Niko Setting- Village, School, Beach Anas mum was getting the kids ready for school and mum giving ana a bun in her hair until there was huge earthquake and everybody was screaming in the village then when the ground was still they went to school and they saw the ocean moving they thought it was a really big wave Niko grabbed anas hand and started running to a mountain she got stuck but niko grabbed anas bun and saved her all of the peoples house in the village was broken down and destroyed

Friday, May 21, 2021

Earthqauke Reading Create Task

 Hi viewers this week i have done Earthquake.

Walt: Use Prior Knowledge when making text-to-text connections.

Title- Earthquake 

Characters- Ellie Mum Dad Builder cat billy Penny 

Setting House 

There once was a girl called Ellie with her mum and dad. Until an earthquake happen.

The surface of the earth is just like a jigsaw puzzle. There can be three types of of earthqaukes there can be tectonic plates where the can be able to split apart causes a rift zone meaning that  they go apart and makes new ocean floors

Tsunamis can form when there's an earthquake underwater. The land that we stand on is named tectonic plates. 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

T2W3 Maths Work

 Hi Bloggers for maths this week we have been working on numicon i have made 2 robots and a lady bug.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Taniwha Trouble reading

 Kia ora viewers this week i chose taniwha trouble. This book is about this kid called noah he heard something in the heater and told Mr Blackadder the caretaker who can fix anything.👺

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Cancel The Invasion :)jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj

 Kia ora viewers for this week we have been learning about  narratives for writing and reading. And this week for reading i have chose cancel the invasion

Friday, April 16, 2021

Finished bio poem



 Kia ora People 

Walt: Summarise information about a topic in a meaningful way. 

I did a information report a flag and a quiz. But you cant blog it.


Monday, April 12, 2021

The day the crayons

Kia ora tamariki ma. Today i blogged my the day the crayons quit create task.

I made a wrapper for Peach crayon. 

Friday, April 9, 2021


 Hi viewers this is my post of a shark quiz and Ven diagram. I did Sharks 


Walt: Summarise information by identifying the key words in the text. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021


 Hi viewers this is my post of a shark quiz and Ven diagram. I did Sharks 


Friday, March 19, 2021

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Reading create task

 This is buggy sort of army tank.

Monday, March 8, 2021

This is a quiz about Crocodiles and Aligators.We had to maake a quiz about your animal you picked. Write down how much answers you got.

Monday, March 1, 2021

 All about me!

Friday, February 26, 2021

 For are second create task we had to make are own planet. Heres mine

Monday, February 22, 2021


This task we had to do trassing.

Heres mine:)

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Create task 1 Breathless

Create Task:1 We had to Create a profile template about any of your characters in your book.

Book called: Breathless